Pending Sales in San Diego

Data provided by Redfin Corporation courtesy of Tableau data visualization software.

This chart shows how many sales went pending in San Diego, CA this week. The number of pending home sales measures impending closing activity, and it reflects how many Residential Purchase Agreements are awaiting settlement. Sale pending means the Seller has already accepted an Offer from a Buyer and that most contingencies have been removed. This is different from contingent status, and though the deal hasn’t closed yet, it is moving toward a successful closing.

Pending sales is a leading indicator of homebuyer momentum. Also called “Under Contract” in some markets, pending sales counts how many properties have accepted an Offer on track. Pending sales often reveal what listing price enticed the Buyer to make an Offer. Pending sales also reflect the date when a home has been effectively taken off the market, since it can take 15-45 days for a home to close.

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